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The history of the company1976: Creation of the company Gérard Schmitter, originally from Alsace, creates Alsace Croisières and launches the River Tourism trend by offering lunches and afternoon dances around the port of Strasbourg. 1982: The first boat Gérard Schmitter buy his first boat, called “L’Alsace 1” and offer a cruise along the Romantic Rhine from Strasbourg to Rudesheim, in Germany. 1984: The first boats with cabins The first boats with cabins, the ‘Hansi’, ‘Kléber’ and ‘Petite France’ offer longer cruises with nights on board, extending the journey along the Rhine an its affluents such as the Neckar, the Moselle, the Main et the Sarre, as well as navigation on the waters of Holland. 1986: The first "Prestige" category boat CroisiEurope acquired its first "Prestige" category boat, the "Kellermann". This newly designed vessel offers particularly good comfort. 1990: The company becomes its own ship owner The company decided to oversee the entire design of its boats. An internal engineer designed and built all the company's boats. The "MS Liberté" is the first boat of this conception, controlling the fleet from beginning to end. By choosing independence, Gérard Schmitter deliberately choose to be different from the concurrent. 1991: Creation of the Paris office The opening of his Paris office became essential to cope with the growing expansion of CroisiEurope. 1993: First cruises on the Danube Launch of the first cruises on the Danube to answer the needs and expectations of the clientele 1995: First cruises on the Rhône and Saône rivers Launch of the first cruises on the Rhône and Saône rivers in responses to the emeging demand. 1997: Alsace Croisières becomes CroisiEurope and asserts its new European dimension The name "CroisiEurope" replaces "Alsace Croisières" to reflect the European dimension of the company, which extends far beyond France. The desire to conquer new river and maritime horizons is in line with this strategic choice. 1998: First cruises on the Seine The Seine and its meanders welcomed the first CroisiEurope cruises, which were a great success. 1999: The succession is well and truly assured This year marks a turning point since Gérard Schmitter and his wife Jeannine decide to pass on their flourishing company to their four children: Patrick, Philippe, Christian and Anne-Marie. Each in his own field of competence will keep the company on course for success. Christian as General and Commercial Manager, Patrick as Technical General Manager orchestrating and supervising the construction and fitting out of the boats, Philippe as General Manager controlling the Catering and Hotel business and Anne-Marie as General Manager in charge of the financial flows on board the company. 2000: Development of the North/South European axis Expansion continued in Northern Europe on the Elbe in Bohemia, then towards Southern Europe, with the first cruises on the Po in Italy. 2001: Opening of the Lyon office It was in this year that CroisiEurope opened its Lyon office.